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In the Compromise of 1790, the United States capital was fixed at the location we still know today, Washington, DC.

What if the capital had remained in New York City or had been moved later in time to a more central location?

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Room #2: The Founding of Apple Computers

Where: 2066 Crist Drive, Los Altos, CA (The Apple Garage)

When: 1976

The founding of Apple Computers.

Join the discussion at The Forum.

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On August 12, 1941, the US House of Representatives by a single vote retained the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 preserving the recently instituted peacetime draft a mere months before the United States formally entered World War II with Speaker Sam Rayburn being a key factor in using a keen knowledge of House parliamentary rules and quick gavel to secure the vote.

How would US involvement in World War II have been different if the Act had not been retained?

Regular show contributor Chris Coppola joins to explore the topic.

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